TAF’s visit to the Faroe Islands…Tradition, Culture, Slaugthering? Are we in 2016? Old survival VIKING methods belong to history.

3 reports from TAF's visit to The Faroe Islands: Report about the Islands, its nature, economics and people Report of how they proceed the slaughtering of the Pilot Whales TAF's…

Continue ReadingTAF’s visit to the Faroe Islands…Tradition, Culture, Slaugthering? Are we in 2016? Old survival VIKING methods belong to history.

A total of 155 endangered fin whales and 29 minke whales were killed during Iceland’s hunting season this year !

September 30th, 2015 The agriculture and fisheries ministry of Iceland said the latest figures were within the hunting quotas set by the national government for 2015. Whale hunters were permitted…

Continue ReadingA total of 155 endangered fin whales and 29 minke whales were killed during Iceland’s hunting season this year !