TAF Achievements in 2019
TAF - The Animal Fund was created March 3th, 2015. Aspiring to inform and educate about the ocean and its marine life's deterioration and to find solutions, the association has accomplished numerous achievements since then.
- TAF held its first meeting and conference of 2019 including an impressive presentation from the “Calypso team” from ISN who has created their own ecological cosmetic products and a powerful engaging presentation from Peter Swazenski from IAEA (January);
- 4 classes and 115 young students took part in our educational work, and we thank the school for hosting us (January);
- We thank the 50 enthusiastic children who participated in our educational games and got their well deserved diploma (January);
- Another school class enjoyed our education about the endangered ocean and its marine life and we thank them for their interest. (February);
- “How can the ocean and the whales have an impact on your health?” We thank Be Here Now Ladies Luncheon for hosting us and for everyone’s participation and engagement (March);
- TAF stand at Decathlon Monaco for promoting our sustainable bottles. Be plastic free – it’s the Key! (March);
- TAF school work, 60 children more got informed of the endangered ocean via our educational games (March);
- Whalethon. Run/Walk for the Ocean. (1km and 4km) 400 participants and a good number to beach clean up afterwards (March);
- More than 110 attended our conference : “How to live a plastic free life” held at the yacht club Monaco during the Ocean week (March);
- TAF was among the two charities of the Club Vivanova Gala event at the Fairmont Hotel. We thank all the generous donors and club Vivanova very much for the funds provided to us (April);
- Another 50 students got educated about the endangered ocean and its marine life and we thank them all for their engagement and enthusiasm (April);
- TAF held another conference with excellent presentations from 2 EDHEC associations MerSea and Une Mer pour vos Enfants, SMA and Au gramme pres. We also thank MerSea for their generous donation of 600 euros and their support to save our ocean (April);
- TAF held a presentation: The Ocean heroes and a plastic free life during “La Fête du Musée océanographique” in Monaco. Approximately 4000 attended the museum during the day (April);
- 3 days at 3 different schools educating the children about the endangered ocean and what each of us can do to help (April, May).
- Charity dinner for TAF organized by our partner Edhec: Une Mer pour vos Enfants (May);
- 2 days TAF stand at the International Semi-Marathon in Nice with over 8000 participants. “Nice Court 5K” was dedicated to TAF and we thank our partner Azur Sport Organization for their excellent support (May);
- TAF visited for the 4th time Ecoplaza Holland. More than 1421 plastic free products are now in store and their aim is still to replace all articles to plastic free packaging (May);
- Partner visit to Saltwater Brewery. Their incredible edible sixpack rings are now being used worldwide (May);
- Ocean Day clean up with 5 school classes and ville de Nice at the beaches in Nice (June);
- TAF stand at ISN school’s summer fete held by the students (June);
- More than 1300 children passed by our 7 stands and 12 educational games during the monacology (12-14th June);
- TAF held its first conference “How to live a Plastic free Live” in Cercle Munster, Luxembourg (June);
- Creation of TAF’s Ocean friendly sunscreen : “Ocean Lovers” by Daniele de Winter TAF UK (June);
- Visit to our ambassador in Wales; Wildlife and nature artist: BAS. Future project to be accomplished (July);
- TAF airline waste management campaign with aim to reduce their single use plastic (July);
- TAF held another educational stand in Nice, France where also UNICEF and Eau d’ azur were present. Our goal is to engage the public to use tap water and sustainable Eco bottles like TAF bottles instead of plastic bottles (August);
- TAF UK registration in place. Charity no: 1184860 TAF-THE ANIMAL FUND (UK);
- Update on Norwegian whaling from TAF’s trip to Norway (August):
- TAF was honored to be invited as a panelist in Marseille for the “Day of the Mediterranean” by HLD (September);
- TAF held another conference with impressive presentations from Heather Lounsbury and Clyde Menta covering the subjects “Veganism” and “5G” (September);
- TAF UK held our first educational presentation for 150 young children in schools in London (September, October);
- A substantial well attended beach clean up including games, refreshments and cakes was held in Menton (October);
- TAF held another presentation at ISN about how to change into a plastic free life and what each of us can do to help (October);
- TAF was proud to be part of the Marathon Nice-Cannes with our educational stands. We thank the top organiser Azur Sport for introducing a more cup less marathon and a more sustainable event (October/November);
- During the European waste reduction week, TAF was among the 12 organisations who held an educational stand in Nice (November);
- TAF trip to Japan; research into whaling, captivity and environmental issues (November);
- TAF took part in the second edition of “Rencontres Humains et Cétacés” in Parc Phoenix in Nice, organised by GIS3M (Groupement d’Intérêt Scientifique des Mammifères Marins de Méditérranée) (November);
- TAF held a presentation for the philanthropy and environmental division at ISM (December);
- We held our 4th Christmas party and thank all who joined and our donors for their prizes and contribution (December);
- TAF held a stand at the Winter fete in ISN and thanks the school and the students (December);
- TAF was very honored to be chosen as the charity for the tombola hosted by beer company Blue Coast Brewing, wild life photographer Greg Lecoeur and eco clothing Worldshaper. (December);
- TAF took part in WMMC – world marine mammals conferences with more than 2600 participants to increase knowledge and to collaborate with like-minded people. (December);