TAF Achievements in 2022
TAF - The Animal Fund was created March 3th, 2015. Aspiring to inform and educate about the ocean and its marine life's deterioration and to find solutions, the association has accomplished numerous achievements since then.
Year 2022
- TAF has started the new year with an additional 15 new schools and 3 new universities (January);
- Clean up operation and Whale Watching trip in the DR (January-February);
- Conference held for University of Surrey (February);
- School education for another class informing about the danger facing our ocean and its marine life (February);
- Whale Video produced by partner Janique Sonnen (February);
- Conference for Jacobs university and Carrier Fair in Bremen (March);
- School education for 27 CM2 students informing about alternatives to plastic (March);
- Another school was informed about the endangered marine life (March);
- 25 seven years old children, were informed about how each of us can help protect Mother Earth (March);
- TAF was honored to be among the presenters at the Monaco Ocean week where our partner 2pm Monaco presented about sustainable ESG finance and R4 Clothing presented about New Fashion, both powerful tools to protect the planet (March);
- 25 new students were educated and we see an increased interest among the teachers and children to commit to a healthier planet (March);
- Another 27 school children got educated about the importance of protecting the ocean and its marine life (April);
- A special school with fewer children were introduced to our educational program (April);
- Private event- Beach Educational workshop with educational games about the endangered marine life and how each of us can help (April);
- Video released of our ambassador Paula Radcliffe (April);
- 2 new classes and another 50 children enjoyed our intervention about the amazing whales (May);
- Private dinner event for volunteers and new supporters to enlarge our presence in London (May);
- Ocean Art exhibition by Joanne Mumford, where 20 % sales should go to TAF (May/ June);
- School education in Oslo, Norway (May);
- TAF company presentation Dnb Oslo (May);
- 2 school presentations for Ocean21 during the ocean week (June);
- World ocean day clean- up with educational games for 175 children and some adults in Nice (June);
- TAF 2nd edition Whalethon – Swimming for the whales; great fun sportive event to create awareness of our majestic oxygen provider – the whales. Thanks to our sponsor 2pm Europe, our partner R4 Clothing UK and Blue Coast brewery for creating special edition of bamboo t-shirt and beer (June);
- Last school class for this season got educated in whales importance to humanity (June);
- Dolphins and Whales encounter; a group of TAF members went 30 miles out where we enjoyed watching 3 fin whales and lots of dolphins (July);
- TAF hosted a stand at SciencesPo university to attract even more students to get involved in environmental issues covered by TAF ( August) ;
- We were houndered to be nominated to “Best Global Whale Defender & Marine Conservation Association 2022 in France” (September);
- World Clean-up Day 2022 where 130 enthusiastic participants enjoyed TAF for a fun morning together for a good cause. (September);
- One month of animal art exhibition to raise awareness of TAF hosted by Kamil gallery. Artist Helmut Koller. (September-October);
- Presentation of TAF in collaboration with ville de Nice (October);
- TAF welcomes new partner Scubavox and look forward to a fruitful collaboration (October);
- Reseach into the whaling and whale watching industry in Norway. Report to follow (November);
- During the European Week for Waste Reduction TAF hosted a stand in the carrefour center Monaco to inform about the danger of fast fashion and present alternative solutions made of organic cotton, hemp and bamboo (November);
- TAF hosted a textile awareness stand in collaboration with many other entities in Monaco (November);
- We were honored to host an educational stand during the Prince Albert ll Challenge and thank our partner Société Club Nautique Monaco for their great collaboration and super organisation. The winner was again this year our ambassador: Adrián Miramón Also a great defender of marine life (November);
- TAF held its annual charity christmas evening after a year full of events, school work and campaigns. Thanks so much to Singer Francis and a huge thanks to all our tombola sponsors for their generous gifts (December);
- We were honored to host a conference in UCL London for UCL Scuba club (December);
- We welcome our new partner Vivacqua (December).