TAF - The Animal Fund was created March 3th, 2015.
Aspiring to inform and educate about the ocean and its marine life's deterioration and to find solutions, the association has accomplished numerous achievements since then.
Partner EDHEC group Marm’eau organised scuba event in Nice with TAF presentation.
TAF stand/presentation at the Animal Day organised by Stars n Bars Monaco.
New TAF marketing material: whale and dolphin jewelries from Cahana
Attending Monacology with 6 workshops included educational fun games and quiz for children. Teaching them about the whales & dolphins’ importance to the ecosystem and to humans.
World Ocean Day where TAF had 30 volunteers picking up trash while paddling/kayaking.
ICELAND: 4 days educational trip for members : whales’ behavior, whale watching code and ethics, whaling industry research etc.
Educational work in Denmark with youth ambassador and studying “Marsvin” in Lillebælt.
TAF France official registration July 2017.
TAF Beach clean-up at Cap d’Ail Beach. 95 % of the trash found were cigarette butts.
Visit to Monterey Bay and British Columbia, how does the whale watching industry work and are the whales in danger..?
Ocean clean-up on paddle board/kayak. 25 amazing volunteers turned up to clean the Ocean near Cap d’Ail.