TAF Achievements in 2020
TAF - The Animal Fund was created March 3th, 2015. Aspiring to inform and educate about the ocean and its marine life's deterioration and to find solutions, the association has accomplished numerous achievements since then.
Year 2020:
- TAF held its first presentation at university LSE, London and are looking forward to our future collaboration (January);
- TAF held its first event and street clean in London at Portobello road and thank our collaborator Zero waste shop Liberté Cherié for their support (January);
- TAF hosted a full packed conference with 6 speakers and interesting topics covering our results from our airline and cosmetic campaigns, trip to Japan and its captivity and massacre, the dolphins’ and whales’ message to us and finally the animal extinction following the bushfires in Australia (January);
- TAF held its presentation : “Comment vivre sans plastique” for the Club Soroptimist Nice and thank all the kind members and supporters for their warm welcome and participation (February);
- Clean up at St. Laurent du Var. A huge amount of rubbish was collected by our many TAF volunteers and Marriott Hotel at the natural site for the migrated birds (February);
- TAF school workshop and education held for one CP class (March 3rd);
- Another 2 school classes (CE1) got informed by TAF (March 9th);
- 25 other schoolchildren were informed about the threats to the ocean and its marine life (March 12);
- Report and video from our trip to Japan (March);
- TAF video about threats to marine life (March);
- New educational games for schools introduced (March);
- Additional marketing material produced (March);
- TAF is honored to partner up with Distinctive Action – Founder of #INVISIBLEBAG, made out of water-soluble materials – Polyvinyl Alcohol (known as PVA) together with plant-based starch. (March);
- Creation of new website (April, May, June);
- Video (A plastic free birthday) produced for Amis du Musée Monaco for its Fête du Musée (May);
- Produced a drawing and video competition for school children ( May, June);
- 4 New youth ambassadors for TAF (June);
- Beach clean-up for Ocean day (June 8th);
- ESG project (June, July, August);
- New TAF sunscreen 50SPF produced by Daniele de Winther ( TAF UK and cream producer since 25 years) (August);
- TAF excursion with the sailboat of SOS Grand Bleu financed by ville de Nice. TAF had a great fun day with the 44 young winners of our plastic pollution art competition (September);
- A big clean up at sea and streets in Monaco in collaboration with Prince Albert ll foundation, Princesse Charlene foundation, SMA, CESMM, AMPN and Stars n’ Bars. More than 110 kilo of waste were collected (September);
- World clean up in Nice together with partner Blue Coast brewery and Les amis du Musée Océanographique de Monaco. 120 participants helped to collect 80 kilos of waste (September);
- After storm Alex clean up in Villefrance sur Mer, organised by the town. TAF was among the many who joined forces to clean up (October);
- TAF conferences in the UK with internship students (October);
- European waste reduction week poster session launched (October);
- New Ambassador World Champion Christophe Pinna (October);
- Virtual conference with ISN students (November);
- A video realized and 5 winners announced of our “My Zero Waste poster’ competition during the European waste reduction week EWRW/SERD (November);
- Visit to 20 stores in Monaco to increase their commitment to more plastic free life (November);
- Video realized by new partner “Janique Sonnen – Graphists and Eco lemonade producer “(November);
- Increased our university partners worldwide (October, November);
- TAF participation as a charity partner to Club Vivanova’s gala (December);
- Video TAF speech realized by Carl Henry (December);
- We ended the year with our annual Christmas celebration and thank our many volunteers, sponsors, members and supporters for all their incredible generous help- as without nothing would be possible. (December).